Went into work quickly today (yes I know it is a Saturday, but I had to meet someone there for a pickup) and saw that more advertising had landed on my desk. This was a letter from a major bookstore chain (not Collins, Angus and Robertson or Dymocks), addressed to me (although any organisation that sends out blanket letters starting off with 'Dear Tanya [surname] [and spelling my name with a 'y' - bad form] needs to be spoken to seriously about the credibility of their marketing) and letting me know about the bargains that were available to me. If I bought THREE books from their bargain books, I - get this - only had to pay for FOUR. "Pick any three Bargain [sic] books and only pay for four".
What a deal - buy three books and pay for four.
What did I say about marketing credibility???
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Major bookstores - strange selling tactics
Posted by
8:41:00 pm
Blogging workshops - National Youth Week
Well, I think I am just about ready - still some fine tuning details to get through, but the bulk of it is all done. For those of you just joining in, we will be running a series of blogging workshops during National Youth Week, which is from 14 to 22 April 2007. The workshops cover basic blogging, using blogger, and also an introduction to RSS feeds. We will be using Google Reader, mainly because of people's familiarity with the google name. I was hesitant to go down the 'google only' path - there are many others out there, but as I started using blogger and used my gmail account to login, thought it would be easier to keep going down this path. I did think of trialling some other email addresses to sign in, but didn't want to end up with millions of unused blogs everywhere (and hence clutter up cyber space - hate clutter, even on the net!)
Because (at the time), I was unsure if one could start a blog with blogger using a different email account, I then had to think of whether to say persons doing the workshop needed a gmail account or whether we would run participants through that too. Of course, I couldn't assume all had a gmail account, so now that is in the program too. Then we move onto Google Reader....
Another concern was the age. 12 and up? 13 and up?? Went to Google's terms and conditions and they say that anyone signing up has to be 13 years or older, no provision for parents signing for anyone under, so that settled it - anyone signing up has to be at least 13. Maximum age?? Still undecided. Perhaps 16?? They are probably already blog-savvy by then!
I have put together some basic steps on how to get a gmail account, then start a blog using blogger and using Google Reader as an aggregator. I have been told that getting people to understand RSS feeds can be quite a challenge, which surprised me, maybe because it is so logical to me??? time will tell! The idea is that everyone will start a blog (after getting a gmail account of course), put some posts on their blog, then everyone can use Google Reader to get feeds off the other participants’ blogs. It really seems too easy……
Now the biggest challenge- preparing and educating the staff!! The biggest barrier will be the mindset of this being something run by the Children’s Department – always a challenge! Then preparing something so that staff understand what a blog is, what RSS is and what participants will be doing. They need to understand so hopefully they will be more interested, but also so that they can answer any enquiries made and they can tell patrons what is required (ie an email address will have to be created) and what is also involved.
Had a brilliant flyer created by BoneyGirl – really funky, but very streamlined and classy (appeals to my nature of wanting less clutter!). Need to print these out in the coming week and distribute them. The bookstores have agreed that they will pass them on to their customers. Of course, over promotion can be a problem in itself…. We have just undergone a major refurbishment and the public access PCs are now in clusters, so I can really only give the workshop to about 5 participants. I didn’t want to be over ambitious and assume that we would fill 5 sessions (for the week) so have just put something like ‘Starting April 16, call for more details”. If there is more interest, then we can open up another session. Of course I have to remember to advise staff to take a waiting list…..
Posted by
5:21:00 pm
Labels: blogger, blogs, google reader, national youth week
Sunday, 18 March 2007
More on African AIDS babies
Since my last post on the subject, I have been in touch with the organisers of this appeal and found more information on the internet. The Malawi project is huge. There are pictures of these cute little jumpers on the site. The march newsletter put out by Ken and Lyn Begley says that now 52 000 jumpers and beanies have either been delivered or on their way. That is massive. I wondered how many would be enough, but it turns out there are over 10 million AIDS orphans in Africa who have lost at least one parent to AIDS. Sometimes they have AIDS themselves. That means there is still a lot more knitting to do! I still haven't taken a photo of one I have made, but I will do it soon....
Posted by
9:38:00 pm
Friday, 16 March 2007
Blogging session with aliaVIC
Went to a blogging session last night that was organised by aliaVIC and run by Heather Blakey. She was quite good and a Wordpress fan. Her blog Soulfoodcafe is quite interesting. At the moment she is working for the Victorian Education Department to establish a Global Teacher/Student Resource. Apparently we can go through this and establish a blog that can build communities. Quite interesting. Will certainly look into it.
Have had a play with the page settings in blogger and hit a snag again. It won't give me the options to add page elements - I just keep going back to the dashboard. My friend however, is having a whiz of a time doing so as we speak......I must see if that activeX problem has resurrected itself.
Posted by
8:26:00 pm
Monday, 12 March 2007
African Aids Jumpers
I don't only dabble in web 2.0 and library stuff. Sometimes I like to take time out and do some craft things, although I have to admit it isn't often. At the moment I am knitting jumpers for babies in Africa that are born with Aids. Many of these babies are sent home from the hospital wrapped in newspaper for warmth. A Knitting Circle has been formed, with many volunteers either knitting the jumpers or even donating 8 ply wool. The jumpers are great and made in one piece, so simple for even the most challenged knitter. The pattern is on page 2 of this newsletter. The jumpers that I make are also delivered to people at Barongarook Lodge.
Since I started doing this, I have found out that 16 000 jumpers have been delivered! That is amazing! 7000 have been delievered to an orphanage in Blantyre, Malawi's main city, with some going to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre. Another 9000 were delivered in February to Zomba. On top of this, another 2000 went to a mission in Zambia and 1000 to South Africa. There is another 12 000 ready to go as soon as money is raised to send them.
That is such an awesome effort. I don't have a pic of a completed jumper, but will post one as soon as I finish the one i am doing.
Posted by
6:55:00 pm
Sunday, 11 March 2007
More blog testing
Posted by
4:09:00 pm
Google Reader
Well, after how many hours I finally have Google Reader (GR) working. Having read extensively, it seemed that GR works best with Firefox. Ordinarily I would have thought this was the case (as I am using IE7), however my friend is also on IE7 and it was working wonderfully for her (evidenced by the screen dumps she kept sending me.....) My wonderful computer guru (aka partner) found that an activeX control was missing. GR is now loaded - yet to be tested.
The other thing I was unable to do was alter the colour settings of the template on my blog. I could change the actual template, but not the colours or fonts. Again my friend was able to. Turns out that java runtime was not installed. All to do with my firewall (which my friend also has, but I am NOT going there!) and now I can further customise the way my blog looks.
This now leads to further complications as I believe Firefox does not allow java applications to run and I think that some of the PCs at work only have Firefox installed. Still, I will cross that bridge later - I still need to get the instructions happening....
Posted by
3:57:00 pm
ok, so half an hour later i am now on bloglines. after 3 reboots google Reader still won't display, so I will have to admit defeat for now and find another way - Bloglines will have to be it. so far easy to use, had a couple of glitches trying to subscribe to my own feed for this blog, but then it worked so i think it could have been a bit of downtime on the part of Bloglines, given the strange database message i received.
all the feeds disappear once i clink on the original link in the left hand frame, unless I remember to click on 'keep as new' within the feed. there has to be another way......
back to it
Posted by
12:13:00 am
Saturday, 10 March 2007
i spoke too soon. i think there is something wrong with the settings on my computer. i CAN'T get google reader to display anything. am working in tandem with a friend over the phone and she is doing it but it wont work for me. hmm. she sent me a screen dump and i definitely don't have on my screen what she has on hers.....
knew it was too good to be true....
Posted by
11:28:00 pm
oh the joy!
Well, I did create a blog and I have to say it is as easy as they say. I want to run a series of blogging workshops for teens and thought I had better test it all out first. nothing worse than looking like a fool in front of teens.....
Posted by
11:04:00 pm