Sunday 30 December 2012

Day 6 TechTalk #blog12daysxmas

My intention today was to not write about programming, however I've been marking all day and my brain just can't come up with more than one paragraph of my original subject, so, programming again it is!

One of the gaps we'd identified early on with the introduction of more computer classes that I blogged about here was the need for more technical support.  We also quite often had phone calls trouble shooting various things as well as people coming in with IT equipment they needed help with.  We thought we'd trial setting aside a particular time a week to have a drop-in technology familiarisation workshop, predominantly aimed at those needing help with anything technology related.  The help given is wide and varied, including setting up accounts on mobile phones, learning how to send an SMS on a new phone, connecting to personal or library WiFi, using eReaders, downloading from Overdrive to iPads, Kindles (sorry no go!) and tablets and using Facetime on the iPad.  We started with one on a Thursday morning and now run another for Seniors on Tuesday afternoon.

Because of the increase of people in the community who have acquired technology, TechTalk has become an important program that we run.  One of the aims of these sessions was to have participants involved to the point where they would be able to help each other and this happens quite frequently now.

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