Sunday 2 January 2011

12 days of Christmas - Post 8 On documenting life and more challenges

Today @polyxena invited me to a challenge to read a mystery book a month as recommended by Tara Moss. I have been quite slack in my reading since starting work in the library industry, which is a shame as I was so addicted to reading. January's book is Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express which I have reserved at my local library. I used to own almost all Agatha Christie's works, but got rid of them a few years ago in an attempt to declutter.

@polyxena and I are not quite sure how the Tara Moss challenge works (it isn't very clear) but we have undertaken to read the book recommended regardless of whether we get to use our registration to the site or not. @bonitoclub, @katejf and @mt77 have also jumped on board. Not sure whether listening to @polyxena is a wise thing - the last time I did this I became addicted to Cityville...... :-) If you are interested visit the blog post here for more information on how to join #librarytwittermysteryamonth.

In the last few days I have undertaken quite a few challenges. There is :

  • Fiona's blog post a day for the 12 days of Christmas;
  • Project365 for Anthony (taking a photo of him every day for 12 months);
  • Kathryn's #dailyimage2011 where a photo is taken of the individual every day and then uploaded to Flickr (except I wont be uploading);
  • Anne's reading a recommended mystery book a month.

Anne also recommended I use Goodreads to keep track of the books I have read or that I want to read. I have registered and entered 3 books so far....

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